IST01 Increasing demand for real-time response to ever-changing environment and needs

Intensified environmental transformations have resulted in acceleration of speed in business. In such society, providing right services and information in real time to satisfy customers’ needs of that exact moment becomes added value.


IST02 Source of competitiveness will shift towards application of knowledge and information

Permeation of IT made information to be digitalized and more readily accessible to everyone anywhere on one hand. On the other, this resulted in the explosion of information everywhere. In such society, finding optimized solutions and predicting the future through discovering wisdom and making sense of vast amount of information will become highly valuable.


IST03 Shift in focus from mass appeal to individual

Diversification of literacy and values and diffusion of SNS and other communication tools have led society and organizations to shift its focus from mass to individuals. In this society, people will require environment/services aligned with a need for individuals and mechanism providing support for a connection between each other.


IST04 IT becoming more accessible and user-friendly, which anyone can use

Current issues of globalization and the aging population are inevitable and need to be dealt with. To deal with these issues, it will be required to utilize IT regardless of individual literacy so that anyone can use them; making IT act as life infrastructure.


TT01 Business Analytics utilizing Big Data

Every two years, the amount of data in the world doubles, and by 2015, it is estimated that the total data on Earth will amount to 7.9 zettabytes. Unstructured data, such as text and images accounts for 90% of this amount. From here on, it is highly anticipated that this massive amount of data will be used in business analytics to improve operations and offer innovative services.


TT02 Advancement in Communication Technologies

Digital divide, also known as information disparity, refers to the various gaps brought on by disparity in the ability to collect in-formation using information terminals or the opportunities to use information technology. While the development of advanced nations is accelerating by information technology, some developing nations are having difficulty even building their infrastructures, eliciting a fear that the gaps among nations might widen. Japan has a “regional issue,” where information is inaccessible from remote islands and deep in the mountains, as well as a “generational issue,” where the elderly cannot take advantage of the information. Meanwhile, corporations have started global expansions, highlighting issues in culture and language. These circumstances are drawing high ex-pectations for research and development in the communication field.


TT03 System Development Automation

While software development has become increasingly complex and large-scale, the rapidly fluctuating social and business circumstances have required development to be carried out in a shorter period of time. Meanwhile, the limitations of a labor-intensive solution have also become apparent. As a result, automated software development technology has occupied the limelight as a way to considerably shorten delivery time and increase productivity.


TT04 Diffusion of Cloud Computing and its Applications

In recent years, cloud computing has steadily increased in popularity and penetrated not only the consumer markets but also the enterprise systems of companies. In particular, operators of large-scale IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) are expanding services globally. Of late, they have wielded as their weapon an inexpensive yet vast re-source power. Also gaining visibility is a tendency to gain entry to PaaS (Platform as a Service), exemplified by the big data analysis platforms of HPC and DWH.