Human Rights
NTT DATA complies with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international treaties and conventions which are discussed and adopted from a global perspective, as common standards that all people and countries should achieve. As a member of NTT Group, NTT DATA understands fully and strives to realize the NTT Group Global Human Rights Policy, which is part of NTT Group's core policies.
NTT DATA endeavors not to cause or exacerbate any negative impact on human rights in the course of our business activities, and will not tolerate any forced labor or child labor. Further, NTT DATA endeavors to introduce and implement human rights due diligence procedures to identify and take measures on the risks concerning human rights, and to take serious action to resolve negative consequences to human rights.
NTT Group Human Rights Policy
The NTT Group recognizes that respect for human rights is an important corporate social responsibility and strives to correctly understand and acknowledge the laws and regulations of each country and region and their cultures, religions, values. We aim to realize a safe, secure, and prosperous, sustainable society by fulfilling this responsibility.
To this end, we will respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other internationally recognized human rights in all our corporate activities. We will strive to ensure that we are not directly or indirectly involved in discrimination or other human rights violations. In the unlikely event of any negative impact on human rights, we will take appropriate action.
When negative impacts on human rights by business partners are directly related to NTT Group's relationships, products or services, NTT Group will require these partners to respect human rights and not violate them.
To fulfill this responsibility, senior management will take the initiative to respect all stakeholders' human rights. We will review and improve business operations and other aspects as necessary from the perspective of respecting human rights and reflect this in our business activities to establish a corporate structure that respects human rights.
NTT Group Human Rights Policy https://group.ntt/en/newsrelease/2021/11/10/pdf/211110ca.pdf
Top Message to Prevent Harassment
We aim to create a harassment-free workplace based on the NTT Group Human Rights Policy and the NTT DATA Code of Conduct.
- NTT DATA believes that harassment is a serious problem that unreasonably undermines individual dignity, impairs the working environment and inhibits personal performance.
- NTT DATA is committed to treating everyone with dignity and respect and does not tolerate any kind of harassment, irrespective of job title or position and whether the person is an NTT DATA Employee, client or business partner.
- We strive to maintain a safe and productive professional working environment that is free from harassment, and will not harass or engage in harassment against anyone, including other Employees in the Group as well as employees of our clients and business partners.
President and Chief Executive Officer, Representative Director
Yutaka Sasaki
Human Rights Due Diligence
Based on the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, We will use the human rights due diligence process to identify, prevent, mitigate, and correct human rights issues on a global scale, and strive to raise awareness of human rights and improve human rights management throughout the Group. In addition, due diligence will be conducted throughout the entire value chain, and direct dialogue will be the basis of our efforts, especially with important suppliers.
- Risk identification and assessment
As the environment surrounding human rights is constantly changing, we regularly conduct assessments of the impact on human rights. Human rights managers from domestic and overseas companies discuss and select human rights issues to be addressed by NTT and determine priority issues to be addressed each year. - Penetration into the business
We constantly review the Human Rights Policy and management and update and revise it if necessary. We establish common global targets for priority issues to be addressed and promote their penetration into the NTT Group's business operations. - Confirmation of viability and effectiveness
We will confirm the viability and effectiveness of the measures and check the progress. We will conduct training for employees on human rights issues to raise employee awareness and improve internal understanding. - Disclosure and evaluation
Within the company, we will hold conferences that include global group companies to report on the results of our efforts and conduct dialogues. In addition, we disclose the details of due diligence on our website, sustainability reports, human rights reports, etc., to enable continuous evaluation and improvement. - Dialogue with third parties
In each process, when risks are discovered, we will hold dialogues with experts and other third parties and work with everyone in the value chain to make improvements toward a broad and fair solution. -
Suspension of transactions
As a result of due diligence, if forced labor, inhumane treatment, child labor, discrimination, or wages below the minimum wage are recognized, we will take appropriate actions, including the suspension of transactions, and make improvements together with everyone in the value chain. In addition to this policy, we will also require you to comply with the NTT DATA Supply Chain Sustainability Guidelines provided separately.