IST01 Source of competitiveness will shift towards application of knowledge and information

Discovering wisdom and making sense of the vast amount of information became highly valuable. Aggregation of knowledge and advancement of data analytics will become very important.


IST02 Shift in focus from mass appeal to individual

As society and organizations shifting its focus to individuals, it is necessary to provide tailored services that take into account the diversity of values and customs of individuals.


IST03 Increasing demand for real-time response to ever-changing environment and needs

With advances in sensor technology and interests in energy issues, the provision of social infrastructure that can immediately respond to the changing needs of the environment will become vital.


IST04 IT becoming more accessible and user-friendly, which anyone can use

With interface technology filling the gap, it will be required to utilize IT regardless of individual literacy so that anyone can use them; making IT act as life infrastructure even if globalization and aging population issues continue to arise.


TT01 Human-oriented IT that recognizes individuals

Human-oriented IT that provides products and services tailored to individuals or promotes the changes to human motivations will become important. Technologies in personalization or behavioral psychology will be required. e.g. analysis of the life/work log, communication support


TT02 Strategic data collection and analysis

Discovering and acquiring new knowledge from the wide variety of data types is becoming increasingly important. Technologies that shortens the analysis cycle, technologies for comprehensive decision making and prediction will be required. e.g. Analysis of unstructured data, understanding the semantics of the data


TT03 Cyber-physical computing

Controlling social infrastructure in real time has become essential. Technologies are improving the quality of decision and analysis, and fine-tuning the sensing and control of those infrastructures will be desired e.g. Robotics, object recognition by image


TT04 Environment-adaptive resilient IT infrastructure

It is vital for businesses to be able to respond appropriately and promptly to environmental changes and disasters. Resilient IT infrastructure is needed to achieve this. e.g. Wide-area data distribution technologies, power saving high-speed, high-capacity storage


TT05 Ultrahigh-speed development for prompt delivery

It will become important to quickly deliver information systems, and technologies that automate and digitalize development enables us to develop systems in a shorter timeframe. e.g. system analysis, development by digital prototyping