INTRO01 IT as a Growth Leader

Business growth is led by IT and expanded by AI. The competition to rapidly and continuously improve services for optimal delivery walks hand in hand with the evolution of software, hardware, and data. The breakneck speed of technological innovation in AI is accelerating the growth of business.

INTRO02 IT for Transcending Established Boundaries

As IT becomes increasingly linked to the physical world and indispensable as business infrastructure, it has given organizations the power to transcend established boundaries, expand into new industries and realize vertical integration.
Meanwhile, IT's growing application to the realm of science is finding solutions to long-standing problems.

INTRO03 IT for Searching for New Norms

The rapid permeation of technology is shaking existing value systems and challenging sustainability. Discussions have begun on the search for a new kind of balance that can arbitrate the many conflicts that arise at the point of contact between the world of IT and the existing world. The people who control technology will need to participate in the coming revision of rules.

ET01 Massive AI will Unlock New Possibilities

There is an intense, ongoing competition to develop new AI models with increasingly massive numbers of parameters, resulting in dramatic improvements in AI's ability to recognize and utilize language and images.
A new kind of AI is emerging that will be able to learn and solve problems by itself and be applied to a multiplicity of uses not limited to specific fields.

ET02 Shape-Shifting IT Infrastructure

IT infrastructure is being reconfigured into a means of creating and expanding businesses that are deeply fused to software. This evolution, coupled with further semiconductor technology development, will give organizations the flexibility to keep pace with change and to accumulate best practices directly linked to real business achievements.

ET03 Software will Become a Point of Growth

Software is the driving force that grows business and opens new paths forward. It is no longer just a way of getting work done. It is now a moving force that can enlist the involvement of many different stakeholders to realize new ideas and adapt to continuous change. As such, it is a crucible for integrating business knowhow.

ET04 Renewed Recognition of Data as the Driver

Your new business territory is defined by your ability to use data to grasp and analyze current situations and decide upon strategies. To achieve leadership in business, organizations need to go beyond data-driven marketing and secure the technology to accumulate and utilize detailed, real-time data to fuel continuous improvement and machine learning.

ET05 Approaches to the Physical World

Bold attempts to infuse the myriad activities of the physical world with the value of IT continue unabated. By expanding the tools that support complicated autonomous and synergistic work, we not only improve the productivity of people, but also accelerate the arrival of a new world that links the virtual to the real and enables continuous, high-speed improvement.

ET06 Opening the Way to the Unknown Future

AI-based IT will intervene in the remaining areas of our world that have not yet been penetrated by human intelligence, from optimal content delivery plans to the discovery of new materials and the search for the origins of life itself. It will open the way to the future of humankind by changing the way we do R&D and verification, and radically shortening the time it takes to solve problems.