IST01 Power of the individual
The growing influence of individuals will transform existing societies and industries. Providers will need to rebuild their existing business models to be more customer-centric, embracing the increasing power of the individual.

IST02 Collaborative value creation
Cooperation between companies and users will also continue to progress and there will be increasing use of a participatory model, in which users assume partial responsibility for product development and related services.

IST03 Knowledge society
The amount of variety of accumulated information will continue to grow rapidly. The analysis and the use of information will become more sophisticated. The source of value will shift from tangible things and assets to the use of knowledge, design and functionality.

IST04 Smarter society
More flexible responses to environmental changes will help to address social and environmental issues. Better prediction and forecasting capabilities will improve prevention and mitigation of damage, leading to a more sustainable society.

TT01 Natural extensions of human abilities
Digital devices will increasingly react to human behaviors and situations. Intuitive interfaces will spread, and digital devices are expected to be embraced by society without any burden. Human abilities in terms of the body, knowledge, situation awareness and others will naturally be enhanced by the use of the devices.

TT02 Modeling of human beings
The biology, behavior, senses and psychology of human beings will be understood ergonomically, and will be applied to various services. Personalization, enthusiasm and continuous motivation will be realized, and new services that utilize the five senses will appear.

TT03 Mobile-centric
Smart devices will become the hub for connecting services, devices and people. The multi-functionality of smart devices will progress, and it will become part of the social infrastructure. User interfaces appropriate for mobile use will be devised and operability will improve.

TT04 Intelligent processing by Artificial Intelligence
Computers will partially replace the intellectual activities of human beings. Increasingly, computers will complement human knowledge and expertise, enabling us to spend more time pursuing activities rich in creativity and humanity.

TT05 Real-World Sensing and Analysis
The spread of advanced sensing technologies will enhance our understanding and our ability to predict natural events. Data about people, things, society and the environment will be collected in real-time and in large amounts, and it will be applied to the strengthening of industrial competitiveness, the design of cities and social systems as well as the abnormality detection in disaster prevention.

TT06 Smart infrastructures
Increasingly, software will be embedded into infrastructure, delivering total optimization to society. Supply chains will be highly automated and the consumption of resources such as energy will be minimized.

TT07 Next-generation web architecture
Change will occur in web architecture, and cloud-side processing loads are expected to be transferred client-side. The enrichment and the acceleration of applications will progress and the adoption of green technologies will advance.

TT08 Environmentally adaptive IT systems
IT systems will become more adaptable to change, responding quickly and automatically to fluctuations in loads and data amounts. Operations and testing will be made more efficient, and there will be greater cooperation among data centers.

TT09 Defense in depth
Cyber attacks will become increasingly sophisticated, requiring more defensive steps to be taken at the time of intrusion to minimize the damage caused. In addition to preventing intrusion, there will be increasing adoption of multi-layered measures that combine high-accuracy detection, damage diffusion prevention as well as the decentralization or encryption of sensitive information.

TT10 Rapid design technologies
Rapid and iterative development will improve responsiveness to market changes, and optimize the value of products and services. Advanced rapid development technologies, such as 3D modeling, system development automation and simulation will proliferate.