Message from CEO
Realizing a Sustainable Future
- Contributing to shaping a sustainable society together with our clients by creating value for the future and connecting diverse people through technology -
Our environment and society are constantly undergoing significant changes and businesses are required to address societal issues and preserve our global environment, while driving business growth.
We at NTT DATA take such great changes as an opportunity for further growth. In May, 2022, we developed a new *medium-term management plan which has stepped up our existing ESG-oriented management initiatives and promotes such efforts as sustainability management with a long-term perspective.
In this plan, we set forth “Realizing a Sustainable Future” as our slogan. We will work on addressing social challenges and contributing to the global environment from both aspects of our own corporate activities (of IT) and business activities of our clients and society (by IT) based on the three dimensions of “Clients’ Growth,” “Regenerating Ecosystems,” and an “Inclusive Society,” thereby aiming for further growth together with our clients.
In order to promote these activities, we have identified nine material issues and will work toward them on a global basis.
“NTT DATA uses information technology to create new paradigms and value, which contributes to a more affluent and harmonious society.” This corporate philosophy is our raison d’etre in times of dramatic change.
With this philosophy, NTT DATA will continue to strive to realize a sustainable society together with our clients by creating value for the future and connecting diverse people using technology.
President and Chief Executive Officer, Representative Director