Management System・Material ESG Issues
ESG Management System
The NTT Data Group manages overall ESG activities under the leadership of the Representative Director, Executive Vice President and Executive Officers.
ESG Promotion Dept. is responsible for information gathering, internal education, external engagement, and other related tasks.
Each business division conducts ESG activities to contribute to solving social issues through its business activities.
Material ESG Issues
Identifying Material ESG Issues
Every year, the Group publishes “NTT DATA Technology Foresight,” a report that envisages future changes through research into advanced technologies and social trends that will have a major impact on society and business over the next 3–10 years.
In fiscal 2019, we used NTT DATA Technology Foresight as input to identify material ESG issues for society through customer and employee satisfaction surveys, as well as individual interviews with shareholders, ESG institutional investors and experts from NPOs and other organizations. After discussion at a Board of Directors’ meeting, we established 12 new ESG material issues, considering the expectations of employees and the Company.
Process of Identifying Material ESG Issues

Matrix of Material ESG Issues

12 Material ESG Issues and KPIs
In fiscal 2019, the NTT DATA Group decided on 12 new material ESG issues after discussions at a meeting of the Board of Directors. In fiscal 2020, we have set targets (KPIs) for the 12 material ESG issues with the aim of ensuring that each and every employee engages in business and corporate activities with an awareness of ESG management and the need to achieve the SDGs. By using these targets as management evaluation indicators for each organization, we aim to further promote ESG management.

ESG Management and the SDGs
The NTT DATA Group conducts ESG management while referring to the SDGs based on its Mission Statement: “NTT DATA uses information technology to create new paradigms and values, which help contribute to a more affluent and harmonious society.” With this in mind, we will continue co-creating value with our customers and stakeholders, centered on the material ESG issues we have identified.