Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Workstyle Innovation
In 2005, NTT DATA was engaging in workstyle innovation, aiming to become a company that provided its customers with change through IT in accordance with its Group Vision at the time, “Global IT Innovator.” Starting in fiscal 2018, we have changed our Group Vision to“ Trusted Global Innovator” and are continuously working to provide this innovation, currently through changes in our workstyles and how they affect our customers. Our workstyle reforms involve more than just simply reducing working hours; while raising their own work quality, all employees are making time within their days to aim for self-actualization. By using this time effectively, they are achieving growth and making continuous and active contributions, helping us to achieve our goal of maintaining a strong level of competitiveness. At the same time, NTT DATA is implementing health management practices, and aims to become a “Companies 'to be elected’ in the Labor Market” by improving systems and working environments, improving development productivity, and correcting long working hours through cooperation with customers and business partners. We will continue to grow by having our employees and the company influence each other positively.
[WEPs Principle 2] Treat all Women and Men Fairly at Work without Discrimination
Enhancing Digital and Global Skills of All Employees to Innovate the Workstyle
Starting from fiscal 2019, we have introduced the self-innovation time initiative, in which employees spend a part of their work hours on the innovation domain, such as enhancement of digital and global skills, innovation of workstyles by taking advantage of digital tools, and sharing of knowledge across the Company and with other organizations. As the common KPI for all organizations within the Company, we aim to take 40 hours of self-innovation time per employee in fiscal 2019.
Promoting Initiatives toward Addressing the IT Industry’s Issue of Long Working Hours
In the IT industry, long working hours are an ongoing problem. NTT DATA is promoting efforts aimed at decreasing total working hours based on the appropriate management of working hours.
Up to now, we have sought to manage working hours by recording computer log on and log off times and managing working hours using smartphones to log start and stop times. We have also set reduction targets for total working hours at each workplace and promoted the consideration and implementation of measures for attaining the targets. We report the progress toward the achievement of the reduction targets for each organization to the top management every quarter. Additionally, we have implemented a plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle, through which we continuously review and improve initiatives. In this way, we achieved the target for fiscal 2018 to reduce our average annual working hours to 1,890 per employee.
In addition, we are using RPA (robotics process automation) and AI in our operations to improve the sophistication of operations and work quality. As a result of our ongoing efforts to improve productivity, per capita labor productivity in fiscal 2018 increased by 22% compared to fiscal 2013.
Trends in Anual Hours Worked per Employee(Non-consolidated)

SourceProprietary data / Japan Information Technology Services Industry Association basic statistical survey report / Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Monthly Labour Statistical Survey
Labor Productivity per Employee*4(Non-consolidated)

- *4Labor productivity per employee = Sales / (Total working hours per person x Number of employees)
Encouraging Employees to Take Paid Leave
NTT DATA promotes work–life balance for its employees by encouraging them to be proactive in taking paid refreshment leave*1 and anniversary leave*2. As a result of our promotional eff orts, employees took an average of 17.6 days of paid leave per person in fiscal 2018 (Non-consolidated). Moving forward, we will continue to incorporate various policies and measures while working to increase employee utilization of paid leave.
- *1
Employees can take more than four consecutive days of vacation when a work milestone is achieved. - *2
Employees decide their own anniversary date and plan to take vacations every year on this anniversary.
By using the BI platform Tableau, we also visualize the analysis results of data related to working hours in a secure and timely manner and share them within the Company. We use AI to detect the indication of long working hours and drive forward initiatives to prevent overwork.
Opening the Way for Workstyles That Are Not Location Dependent
NTT DATA has operated a teleworking employment program since February 2008 as one specific strategy aimed at workstyle reform. In April 2018, we revised our teleworking system to increase policy flexibility regarding where and for how long our employees can utilize teleworking. These revisions included removing limits on the number of teleworking days and allowing employees to telework in places other than their homes. Currently, about 90% of NTT DATA employees are taking advantage of this system. Additionally, we have encouraged workstyle reform by establishing flexible time policies; more than half of our employees utilize our flex-time system, which began in April 1993, and our discretionary work system, which began in December 2010. Furthermore, we are establishing new infrastructure by moving our development environment to the cloud and implementing teleconferencing. Moving forward, we will continue to promote workstyle reforms that enable our diverse human resources to contribute actively.

- *5Non-consolidated NTT DATA, as of March 31, 2019
Participation in Telework Days as a Special Cooperating Organization(Non-consolidated)
The Tokyo metropolitan government and relevant government ministries designated July 24 as “Telework Day” in 2017 and have launched a national campaign for workstyle reform. In 2019, a period of approximately a month, from July 22 to September 6, was designated as Telework Days 2019, as a rehearsal for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. As in 2018, NTT DATA participated in the initiative as a “special cooperating organization,” an organization cooperating in measuring the impact of large-scale teleworking by 100 or more people. As the area where we have multiple business sites, including the Toyosu Head Office, is expected to experience congestion in 2020, we also participate in the 2020 TDM Promotion Project, which manages the transportation demand concerning the Tokyo 2020 Games, and the “Smooth Biz” initiative promoted by the Tokyo metropolitan government. The ten days from July 22 to August 2 were designated as the period for teleworking. We asked for cooperation of not only all NTT DATA employees bus also Group companies and contractors. After the period, we reviewed the impact and identified issues to prepare for 2020. A total of 86,100 NTT DATA employees participated in the initiative by the following means.
Participants in the initiative (Non-consolidated) |
Total | 86,100 people | |
Teleworking: | 39,200 people | |
Shifting commuting times by taking advantage of discretionary work and flex-time systems | 31,200 people | |
Taking time off for annual paid leave and summer vacations | 15,700 people |
NTT DATA continues to promote measures related to workstyle innovation. As a company that broadly deploys IT services that support corporate workstyle reforms, we are also contributing to workstyle innovation in Japan.
Primary Initiatives Promoting Workstyle Reform
- Ongoing implementation of the “changing workstyles” seminars for newly appointed department and section managers
- Environmental improvements tailored to each organization that allow for flexible workstyles, including Companywide conversion to thin-client terminals, discretionary work systems, teleworking systems, and flex-time systems
- Efforts to encourage employees to take paid leave (including refreshment leave and anniversary leave)
- Flexible operation of system ensuring bre